Servicing the Sun Coast Since 1972

Improving IAQ With a Plant on Your Desk

January can be a tough month to return to work. The holidays are over, it’s time to make New Year’s resolutions, and the cold outside is more annoying than festive. Bringing a plant into work to brighten up your desk will not only lift your spirits, but can increase productivity through better IAQ, or indoor air quality. Here’s a list of beautiful plants that will help you to breathe easier in your Venice, Florida, office. 

Garden Mum

These inexpensive plants can be purchased at most garden stores and come in a range of beautiful colors. Mums are filtering champions and come highly recommended by NASA, which has conducted research on indoor air quality since the 1980s. Mums filter out ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene. 

Aloe Vera

This plant has many wonderful properties, aside from its interesting shape. The gel inside the leaves is great for healing burns and scrapes, and it’s also good at filtering out the chemical benzene. Another bonus is that aloe vera is a hardy plant, meaning it’s tough for people to kill, even if they don’t have a green thumb. 

Boston Fern

This popular plant will serve a triple purpose when placed in your home. Not only are Boston ferns lovely to look at, but they’re also great humidifiers. They’re especially nice to have during the winter, when the air is generally drier, and they also pull out the pollutants formaldehyde and xylene. These plants need plenty of water, so don’t forget about them.

Mother-In-Law’s Tongue

These plants love a dry environment and therefore only need to be watered periodically. They’re known for being one of the easiest indoor plants to care for. Mother-in-law’s tongue filters out benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene. 

Indoor air quality is important for general health and worker productivity. It can be regulated in many ways, including with plants and regular HVAC maintenance. If you’re ready to schedule your annual maintenance visit by one of our trained technicians, just give Climactic Conditioning a call at (941) 758-3080 today to schedule your appointment.

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Climatic Conditioning Company, Inc., Air Conditioning Contractor, Sarasota, FL