Sarasota’s climate is hot and humid, giving your air conditioner quite the workout in summer. If you’re not careful, your daily habits may add to the trouble. Watch for unwise activities to make sure you’re not heating up the home more than you need to.
Letting the Sun Shine In
While natural sunlight is a great way to keep your home bright and welcoming, you should be careful about where you let it in. The sun is hottest when it shines directly through east-facing windows in the morning and west-facing windows in the afternoon. Close the blinds or drapes over these windows during the appropriate parts of the day, and focus on opening the shades to indirect sunlight instead.
Doing Afternoon Chores
Many common chores generate heat via their associated appliances. Avoid doing laundry or dishes during the heat of the day, when these appliances will only add to the warmth in your house. Run these appliances in the early morning or late evening instead.
Cooking also generates a great deal of heat, especially if you’re not doing it mindfully. Using the oven, stove, or slow cooker will warm the home in a hurry. Opting for the microwave instead will generate less warmth. Cook outside if you can, using a grill or smoker. Stick to cold meals when you’re preparing food in the house, such as salads or sandwiches. Try no-bake cookies instead of baked goods for your sweet tooth, and switch to cold soups for the summer months as well.
Taking Hot Showers
Hot showers create both heat and humidity in the home. Humidity is already a prime problem in Sarasota’s hot, damp climate, and your daily showers don’t do anything to help. Switch to cooler showers instead to keep the heat away. If you must use a hot shower, run the exhaust fan in your bathroom during and after to pull humidity from the air.
If you need extra help keeping your home cool this summer, contact Climatic Conditioning at (941) 304-4722. We’ll help you stay comfortable all season.
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