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4 Ways to Curb Summer Cooling Costs

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With summer in full swing, Sarasota, Florida, homeowners can run air conditioners more efficiently, use fans, and close curtains as some ways to curb cooling costs. Thankfully, these proactive measures can help you cut your energy bill and keep more money in your pocket.

Run the Air Conditioner More Efficiently

Setting your thermostat to a temperature as high as comfortably possible can cut your cooling costs more than you might think. Using a programmable thermostat to increase the temperature at night or when you’re at work can also help.

Use a Fan

When you keep your air conditioner set to a higher temperature than you might like, use a ceiling fan or portable fan to take advantage of the wind-chill effect, which can help you feel several degrees cooler than the room’s temperature. Remember to turn off the fan when you leave the room; otherwise, you’re adding energy use to your electricity bill.

Avoid Heat Buildup

Many of our everyday activities generate heat, which makes your air conditioner work harder than necessary. During the summer months, avoid using the stove or oven as often, and if possible, the clothes dryer, or the dishwasher during the day, as these appliances generate much heat. Be mindful of additional heat generators, including video game consoles, computers, TVs, and the shower.

Close the Curtains

You can help keep your home cool during the day by drawing the curtains or closing the blinds. Opt for highly reflective blinds in a light color or blackout curtains for the greatest amount of savings. If you feel too closed in with covered windows, then keep your windows covered during the heat of the day or when no one is home.

While developing energy-saving habits is great, you’ll also want to ensure your cooling system receives proper care. This care includes scheduling an air conditioning maintenance service and keeping all air filters and ducts clean. Contact one of our team members at Climatic Conditioning today at (941) 304-4722 to schedule your next service visit.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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