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Common A/C Problems That Can Make You Lose Your Cool

Keeping cool in the summer is a necessity, so many Florida homeowners rely heavily on their central cooling systems. With significant use comes the greater likelihood of A/C problems. Understanding what the most common issues are so you can diagnose the issue and get it repaired quickly is a smart move for any A/C-dependent homeowner.

Common A/C problems

  • Improper operation – This doesn’t mean that you’re turning it on or off incorrectly. Rather, it means that you’re not creating an environment that’s optimal for the most efficient operation of your air conditioning unit. When you do have your A/C on, keep windows and doors closed to prevent cool air from escaping. Also, if possible, try to block off sections or rooms that may not need to be cooled by either closing the doors or closing the A/C vents in those rooms. Both of these tips can help prevent your A/C unit from enduring a heavier workload requirement just to maintain the temperature.
  • Failure to clean and properly maintain the air conditioner – If the coils and filters on your A/C unit become dirty, this also creates a higher workload for the unit and could lead to compressor failure. Investing in a maintenance plan through a service provider can keep you and your A/C ready year-round.
  • Sensor issues and refrigerant leaks – If your air conditioner isn’t reading the right temperatures, it won’t be able to produce adequate output. If it’s leaking refrigerant, serious problems can develop with the performance and efficiency of the unit. Optimal performance is obtained when refrigerant is charged exactly to manufacturer specifications.

Many A/C problems are preventable. For more information on any of these issues and how to circumvent them, contact the pros at Climatic Conditioning. We’re proud to serve homeowners throughout Sarasota and surrounding areas.

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