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Getting Ready for Spring: 5 AC Maintenance Items to Keep Your Home Cool and Fresh


Here comes spring! By now, we’re all ready for warmer weather and more outdoor activities. But before you charge full speed ahead into summer, take a few minutes to get your Florida air conditioning system ready to keep your indoor spaces fresh, cool and comfortable. These five ac maintenance tips will help your air conditioner to perform optimally and keep summer cooling costs under control.

1. Check and Change Your AC Air Filter Religiously

Keeping your HVAC air filter clean is a task you can’t afford to forget. Besides polluting your indoor air, dirty filters can mess up your entire cooling system by blocking the airflow and damaging the air conditioner’s motor. If air filters become seriously clogged, the entire unit could break down. Dirty filters also make the AC system work harder than it should. That means higher energy costs, unnecessary wear and tear on the system and less than optimal performance.

2. Keep the Outdoor AC Unit Clean and Unobstructed

It’s easy to forget about the outdoor unit of an air conditioner. However, keeping that unit clean and clearing away any obstructions will help your cooling system to live longer and perform better. Shrubs and plants should be cut back three feet from the unit, and any debris in the area should be collected and removed. After the area is cleared of obstructions, turn off the power supply to the unit, and use a garden hose to gently rinse off dirt and dead leaves. Twigs, plants, shrubs, leaves and dirt can all interfere with and obstruct the unit’s airflow. Blocked airflow in the outdoor unit is as harmful for your air conditioner as a dirty air filter. The area around the outdoor unit should be kept clean all year long to promote maximum airflow and to keep the unit in good health.

3. Schedule Air Conditioning Service

Annual maintenance is another vital step in keeping your cooling system at its best. Your HVAC technician will examine every part of the unit and alert you to any conditions where a problem might arise. Correcting a small AC problem immediately will keep that problem from turning into a big AC repair problem that costs you money and disrupts your life. Sarasota air conditioners that receive annual air conditioning service cost less to operate, perform more efficiently and last longer than poorly maintained systems.

4. Reverse the Direction of Overhead Fans

Ceiling fans can help to keep you cool in summer. Check your fan for a small switch near the top of the fixture, and use it to set the direction of the fan blades to counterclockwise. Overhead fans can make you feel eight degrees cooler, save up to 40 percent on cooling costs and reduce wear and tear on your Bradenton, FL, cooling system.

5. Have Your Air Ducts Cleaned

The air vents that your Florida air conditioner uses to distribute cooled air throughout your home should be cleaned and inspected periodically. Air ducts can be a great hidey-hole for rodents, spiders, roaches, viruses, bacteria, dust mites, mold, pollen and other allergens that can seriously pollute your indoor air. Duct work can also develop leaks, cracks and holes over time through which cooled air can escape. This drives up energy costs and reduces AC efficiency. It will also give you cleaner and fresher indoor air by getting rid of any unwelcome guests that have been calling your air vents home.

To learn more about how annual air conditioner maintenance can minimize AC repair bills and maximize summer cooling efficiency in your Sarasota, Bradenton or Naples, FL, home, visit the indoor comfort specialists at Climatic Conditioning or call (941) 304-4722.

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