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How to Protect Your Outdoor Unit From Storm Damage

Outdoor unit protective cage

When major storms are forecast to hit Longboat Key, Florida, you take the necessary steps to protect your home. From putting up plywood or shutters on the windows to stocking up on supplies, you complete your checklist. Is your outdoor AC unit on your storm prep checklist? High winds, rain deluges, and falling debris can damage or totally ruin your outdoor HVAC, resulting in costly repairs or replacements.

Use a Surge Protector

Electricity powers your unit, and the electrical issues that often happen during hurricanes and major thunderstorms can fry the electrical components. Make sure the outdoor unit is connected to a surge protector.

Trim Your Trees

Falling branches from trees is a major cause of property damage during storms. Every spring, get your trees trimmed before storm season. This is good for protecting your outdoor HVAC system, your landscaping, and your roof.

Anchor the Unit

The outdoor unit needs to be properly anchored to the ground. If it’s loose or wobbly, a strong wind might topple it or send it crashing into the wall of your house. Have one of our technicians over to ensure your unit was installed correctly outside.

Build an Enclosure

If a big storm is headed your way, the inner workings of the machine are the most delicate and therefore the most at risk. To protect them, build a small plywood construction around your outdoor unit. Leave enough room around the unit for it to get proper airflow, because you’ll still want to use it as long as you have power. Plywood won’t protect against huge boughs, but it works against small branch and rock damage.

Hurricanes and major thunderstorms can be terrifying, and preparing for them feels like a race against time. We know you have a lot to do when this area is sitting inside the forecast cone, but keep your HVAC system on that list of important things. Call Climatic Conditioning for HVAC maintenance and assistance at (941) 304-4722.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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