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Stop Lowering Your Thermostat So Far

woman stressing over bills

Homeowners in Palmetto, Florida, may believe several energy-saving myths. While some myths are relatively harmless, others can have a big impact on your bottom line. For instance, many people set thermostats to low temperatures under the assumption that this will force their air conditioners to cool their homes more quickly. In reality, there are several good reasons to stop lowering your thermostat below your target temperature.

The Thermostat Difference Between Window Units and Central AC

If you’re wondering where this myth originated, it may have something to do with how window air conditioners work. These units often have three settings: low, medium, and high. Turning your window AC to the highest setting will help it cool your home more quickly. However, the same logic does not apply to central air conditioning, which is designed to work at a constant speed until your home reaches the desired temperature. Selecting a lower setting will only force your AC to run longer and work harder.

The Price of Forgetfulness

Since lowering the temperature a few extra degrees won’t affect how quickly your home cools down, you may think it would be a relatively harmless habit. However, unless you adjust your thermostat as soon as your home reaches the ideal temperature, you will end up with a higher bill and a chilly home. Your AC will keep running until it achieves the goal programmed into your thermostat.

The Strain a Lower Temperature Puts on Your System

Those who subscribe to this myth will pay in other ways, too. Programming a super low temperature in summer will put extra stress on your air conditioning system. Not only will your energy bill rise, but you may also be cutting months or years off your system’s lifespan. Your overworked AC will require more repairs, run less efficiently, and break down sooner.

If your home hasn’t been as comfortable as you’d like, call Climatic Conditioning at (941) 304-4722. We can figure out what’s causing the problem and find ways to make your air conditioning work smarter — not harder.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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