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What Does Your Home’s Building Envelope Have to Do With Energy Efficiency?

florida house

What Is Your Home’s Building Envelope?

All the structural items that make up your home — the foundation, floors, walls and roof — are what make up your home’s envelope. It’s what protects you from the dirt and moisture in the ground, the rain falling from the sky, and the sun beating down.

The tightness of that envelope is what makes your home efficient or not. Insulation is critical for keeping heat out during the summer and in during the winter. The insulation and vapor barriers help keep moisture outside the house. Caulk and weatherstripping around windows and doors keeps air drafts and moisture at bay. Solid windows and doors stand against wind and rain. A solid roof will bear the brunt of the weather, protecting your home and its occupants.

The Role of the Building Envelope in Efficiency

In the hot Florida summers, heat from the outside will try to move inside your home. If your home’s envelope is tight, very little of that heat is going to get inside. That makes it cheaper to cool your home and keep it comfortable. However, if your home has air leaks or not enough insulation, that hot air is going to get inside. This will make it difficult to keep your home cool and it will raise moisture levels inside, making the house uncomfortable for occupants. It can also drive up your cooling costs considerably.

On the rare Florida cold days, the opposite can happen. The heat in your home can escape to the outside if the structure’s envelope is not tight. That will drive up your heating costs considerably. Cold air can cause drafts and make the home’s occupants uncomfortable.

Making your building envelope tight is critical for home efficiency. Learn more about Climatic Conditioning’s HVAC services and contact us today at (941) 304-4722.

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